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Heavenly Father,
You have called us to be the first community in the United States to be dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  We thank you for that birthrite and ask you to strengthen the faith that our ancestors have instilled in us.  Let us be stewards of our traditions and keep them alive for future generations.  Place our weak hearts into your Son's divine Sacred Heart. Challenge us to recognize and to nurture; all the gifts you have bestowed upon us.  So that we may be true and vibrant witnesses of your good news.  We ask this through your son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you, and the Holy Spirit now and forever. AMEN

We are an historically rooted Catholic community that is alive, vibrant, and thankful for our birthright. We are the first community in the United States dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus living out the faith instilled by our ancestors. We feel called to be stewards of our traditions and keep them alive through future generations. Enhanced by our dedication to and love of the gospel, we are challenged to become a wonderful witness to the constant faith, courage, and optimism of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Did you know?  Sacred Heart Basilica is now on FACEBOOK!
Daily notes, a parish wide calendar,  reminders and comments on things going on in and around Sacred Heart Parish.  Just another way to stay in touch.  Like us now.

Welcome to the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus!

From the Pastor:

Sat. April. 30th        

        5:30p.m.   Mr. and Mrs. John Rife family
Sun. April 31st 
        7:30a.m.   Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Fuhrman

        10:00a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Rich King family

The flowers on the main Altar have been designated by Jeanette Devine in memory of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Devine’s anniversary.

The flowers on St. Joseph’s Altar have been designated by Robert and Kelly Bruton in celebration of Paige Bruton’s First Holy Communion.

The flowers on Mary’s Altar have been designated in honor of the Parish’s sick and home bounds.


Bulletin Announcements:

Feed the hungry and give drink to the thirsty—corporal works of mercy
There are many ways to accomplish these two works ranging from literally giving food and water to those in need or, volunteering at a food bank or a shelter or, contributing financially to a charity involved in these areas or, praying for those in need. It is important to recognize that there are people that need assistance and that there are many different ways to provide that assistance.

For those who missed the last Bible Study Session there are cd’s and handouts for you at the Parish Office. Call
637-2721 to pick them up.


All current E-Ministers are due to renew their Mandate to continue serving in this capacity. Trainings are Wed.
May 25th from 7:30 – 9:30 at St. Joseph the Worker Parish in Bonneauville, and Tues. June 14th from 6:30 – 8:30
p.m. at St. Joseph Church, Hanover. Altar Servers, Lectors and E-Ministers please note: It’s time to start putting
serving availability to serve including funerals, Holy Days and First Friday’s, for the upcoming schedule. Deadline is

Apr. 30th. For those who do not have a computer contact the Parish Office at 637-2721.


On behalf of the Gabriel Project’s regional chairperson, thank you for your prayers and donations. Your generosity
continues to save lives daily by helping families and mothers say “yes” to the beautiful gift of life. You can help by
depositing baby hygiene, food, clothing, comfort, and other items in the basket located in the Basilica vestibule -
the region has an urgent need for size 5 diapers. For furniture, and other large donations, please contact the Parish
Representative Richard King at (717) 688-5414. Mothers and families who may need support as participants in the
Gabriel Project are welcome to contact the Regional Chairperson - Dodie Funk 632-2590, or Richard King - (717)
688-5414. Thank you once again for your prayers and support.


It’s not too early to start thinking of the Parish’s largest fundraiser, our Picnic. We have a lot of work to do and help
is needed to prepare for the big day! Currently we are in great need for a chairperson for the cook house for the
chicken dinners. For more information contact Deb Lawrence at 637-3149.


The Interact Club of Delone Catholic will hold their annual “Sleepout for the Homeless” Fri. night Apr. 29th.
The students will collect donations in front of the School from 7:00 – 11:00p.m. and then spend the night outside to
raise awareness of the homeless situation in our community. All proceeds benefit the homeless shelter sponsored by
Hanover Area Council of Churches. Donations can also be sent to: Delone Catholic “Sleepout” 140 S. Oxford Ave.
McSherrystown, PA 17344.


 All are invited to participate in our May Procession and Crowning to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary on Sun. May 1st at 7:00p.m.  We will meet in the Social Hall and process to the church. Anyone who is unable to walk in the procession may go directly to the church. If the weather is inclement we will begin in the church.


Everyone is welcome to “St. Vincent de Paul Spring Festival” Sat. May 7th from 10:00a.m. – 2:00p.m. It will be held in the Parish yard and the Gymnasium. Chicken bbq, flower sale, bakes sale and much more. Tickets for the bbq are available at the Parish Office 637-4625, Dawn Henry 637-1890 or Pat Hubbard 637-0121. Please note: tickets for the meal must be purchased before Apr. 30th!


All are welcome to attend a festive and enjoyable afternoon of ethnic food, music, cultural dances, theme basket raffles and much more Sun. May 22nd at 12:30p.m. at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Abbottstown. Featured guest emcee is Marty Rotela, a Grammy nominee singer, composer and evangelist.


This event will help raise funds for Fr. Marcoe’s mission trip to Jamaica in early Oct. For more information contact Luz Socrates at 717-873-3650 or email her at


“A Weekend of Healing and Hope with Immaculee Ilibagiza and Kathleen McCarthy” will be held June 24th – 26th at Mt. St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, MD. These two beloved servants of Christ will share His one message of forgiveness, mercy, healing and hope. Registration is open at the website: For more information email Kathy Reid at:



Sacred Heart Day at Hoss’s Restaurant is Tues. Apr. 26th. Cards are at the doors of the Church, please come out and support the School, a percentage of the days’ profit is sent to SHS.

A “Mother and Son Bowling” event for students and CCD students, will be held Fri. May 6th from 7:00 – 9:00p.m. at Hanover Bowling Center. For more information contact Isis Neiderer at 717-578-9735 before Apr. 27th.

The annual School Flower Sale will be held Sat. May 7th from 8:00a.m. – 4:00p.m. at the barn.

There’s still time to register for the Chapel Run and Fun Run Sat. May 21st beginning at 9:00a.m. Go to the following website:

Welcome to Sacred Heart Basilica  
Archived Bulletins are here

Sat.      5:30p.m.           Mr. and Mrs. Earl T. Brady

Sun.     7:30a.m.           Robert H. Adams         

              10:00a.m.        The People of the Parish

Mon.   7:00a.m.           Bernard Smithmyer, Jr. 

Tues.    7:00a.m.           Anne Peterson

Wed.    7:00a.m.           Roy and Madeleine Staub family 

Thurs.   7:00a.m.           Marie Gebhart

Fri.       8:00a.m.           Fr. Martin Flum

Sat.      5:30p.m.           Marcia Lindsey

Sun.     7:30a.m.           The People of the Parish

            10:00a.m.          Carroll & Rita Little & Barb Noel

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