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Conewago Chapel Rev. Joseph Howard, Pastor
30 Basilica Drive,Hanover, PA, 17331
Masses: Sat Eve 5:30; Sun 7:30 & 10am
Daily: 8am (7am during school year)
PHONE: (717) 637-2721
1st Fri. Mass is now 8:30 am
Our Parish Missions
Mission for Pastoral Ministry
The Mission for Pastoral Ministry encompasses all the programs and activities of a parish that strengthen our sense of being a Christian Community, members in a family of believers
As a mission of the council, the pastoral ministry element includes but is not limited to the following activities:
-The Sacred Heart Club | -Basilica Club |
-Annual Parish Picnic | -Social Activities/Parish Hall |
-Yearly Publishing of Parish Handbook | -Marriage Preparation |
-Cemetery Board | -Golf Tournament |
Mission for Liturgy
This mission must be constantly evaluating the parish liturgical celebrations. The Mission for Liturgy also coordinates the efforts of all those who contribute to the Liturgy, such as ushers, lectors, special ministers of the Eucharist, choir, altar servers, etc. Altar Flowers, Holy Communion for the homebound, Offertory Processions and Vocation/lay ministry training are also responsibilities of this mission.
Mission for Social Justice & Social Welfare
This Mission must consider those issues which demand our concern as believers in the universal Fatherhood of God over' all people. The Mission involves itself in issues, such as projects for world hunger, rights of all individuals, respect life, etc.
As a mission of the council, the social justice and welfare includes but is not limited to the following activities:
-- Community Action |
-- Health Care Ministry (Care for the elderly, poor, sick, handicapped, assisted living, hospitals) |
-- Social Justice Committee |
-- Angel Tree |
- The Angel Tree is a community outreach program that provides needy families in York and Adams County with gifts for the Christmas season. It also provided gifts to our parishioners who are in nursing homes or are unable to get around easily; it allows us to let them know that we are thinking about them. This program is made possible by parishioners taking an Angel off the tree in the back of the church during Advent, purchasing some of the items on the list, wrapping the gifts, and returning the gifts to the church in time to be separated and picked up by the recipients. This is a wonderful opportunity for our Church family to share ourselves with the surrounding community and our own members in need of our support, love and faith. |
-- Food Bank |
-- Gabriel Projects |
-- Health and Wellness Resource Ministry (HWRM) - The HWRM offers health and wellness education, health screenings, health maintenance resources and opportunities for wellness activities for our parishioners. |
Mission for Ecumenism
The Mission for Ecumenism encourages unity and understanding within the Christian family, and also reaches out to non-Christians who share with us faith in God the Father.
The Mission may sponsor inter-faith worship services and encourage both individual and common prayer for the unity which Jesus wills for his Church.
Mission for Evangelization
Evangelization is the continuous process by which the Chruch strives to deepen the faith of those who believe and bring the Good News to those who do not believe.
Evangelization is the primary goal of the Pastoral Council.
Examples of this in our parish are Parish Retreats/Mission, Prayer Line, May Devotions, and RCIA
As stated in "One Who Serves":
The Mission for Evangelization must be filled with the creativity of the spirit, constantly seeking new ways to reach out to others with the message of God's love. This mission must work closely with the other Parish Pastoral Council Areas of Mission and parish organizations. It should provide the spark by which the entire faith community becomes a bearer of the Good News.
Mission for Education/Herald
The Church teaches in order to prepare its members to accept and proclaim the Gospel message and to translate this message into action.
The Mission for Education ensures that the parish provides its members with religious education opportunities aimed at fostering a personal faith and expressing that faith through service.
The Board or Committee for the parish school and the Religious Education Program(CCD), as well as Continuing Catholic Education, and Bible Study are all part of this Mission for Education.
In addition school committees and associations which assist in the education of children or adults are also part. These include but are not limited to:
-- Athletic Association | -- Alumni Committee |
-- Home & School Association | -- Development Committee |
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