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Mission for Social Justice & Social Welfare

This Mission must consider those issues which demand our concern as believers in the universal Fatherhood of God over' all people. The Mission involves itself in issues, such as projects for world hunger, rights of all individuals, respect life, etc.

As a mission of the council, the social justice and welfare includes but is not limited to the following activities:


-- Community Action

-- Health Care Ministry (Care for the elderly, poor, sick, handicapped, assisted living, hospitals)

-- Health and Wellness Resource Ministry (HWRM)

   -Health and Wellness Resource Ministry strives to offer opportunities for health and wellness education, health screenings, health                         maintenance resources, and opportunities for wellness activities for the parishioners of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Meetings are at 7pm on the first Thursday of each month. New members are always welcome!


-- Social Justice Committee

-- Angel Tree

   - The Angel Tree is a community outreach program that provides needy families in York and Adams County with gifts for the Christmas      
     season. It also provided gifts to our parishioners who are in nursing homes or are unable to get around easily; it allows us to let them            know that we are thinking about them. This program is made possible by parishioners taking an Angel off the tree in the back of the    
    church during Advent, purchasing some of the items on the list, wrapping the gifts, and returning the gifts to the church in time to be
    separated and picked up by the recipients. This is a wonderful opportunity for our Church family to share ourselves with the surrounding
   community and our own members in need of our support, love and faith.

-- Food Bank

-- Gabriel Projects

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