Conewago Chapel Rev. Joseph Howard, Pastor
30 Basilica Drive,Hanover, PA, 17331
Masses: Sat Eve 5:30; Sun 7:30 & 10am
Daily: 8am (7am during school year)
PHONE: (717) 637-2721
1st Fri. Mass is now 8:30 am
Parish Membership
Traditionally, parishes are established with geographic boundaries. This ensures that all Catholics within an area are provided with pastoral care. It also ensures that the Parish develops as a real community shaping not just Mass attendance but all aspects of life together. This is especially iimportant in our society where we see such bonds disintegrating. Thus, normally membership in Sacred Heart Parish will presume residence within the geographic boundaries of the Parish and Catholics living within the boundaries of the Parish will be presumed to be Parishioners. (In this context is should be noted that young people in college or the armed services or volunteer groups are presumed to still be "living" at home.)
It does happen that people living outside the Parish boundaries do seek to join the Parish. These families and individuals will meet with the Pastor to discuss their reasons for desiring to become part of this Community of Faith. Concern will be given to make sure that they are able to become involved in the whole life of the Parish Family---not just simply sacramental or school life. This is because we all need to see "belonging" as a family bond, not simply an organizational bond.
Parishoners who move outside the Parish boundaries should register in their new Parishes or discuss with the Pastor reasons they wish to remain within Sacred Heart. It should be noted that desire to be married in the Basilica or attend the Parish School will not be considered reasons to join the parish.