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Parish Council


The Parish Pastoral Council meets the 2nd Thursday of the month, with the exception of July and August

Each year, three members are elected and the Pastor appoints one for a three year term. A list of our current council members can be found here

The Pastoral Council is an instrument uniting representatives of the Parish Community, that is, priest,
religious and faithful, to share in the congregational responsibilities.

     The 14 positionsof the council are:


1. (2) Ex-Officio Members
2. Chairperson
3.  Vice-Chairperson
4.  Secretary
5.  (9) Members
6.  Appoint Student Representative (Optional) - Youth Participation on Parish Council: We look to our youth, preferrably a young adult age 18 or older, who has demonstrated leadership among their peers and has exhibited a deep sense of faith commitment, willing to participate in parish activities.  A love of their God and a community spirit will bring to the Council insight from those who will be our future leaders and role models.  This would be a one year appointment.
The Council functions according to a Six Mission structure:
1.  Evangelization
2.  Education/Herald
3.  Pastoral Ministry
4.  Liturgy
5.  Social Justice and Social Welfare
6.  Ecumenism
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